Chartered Physiotherapist

David Ukich Physiotherapy Clinic CastlebarChartered Physiotherapist

A Chartered Physiotherapist is a qualified member of the Irish Society of Chartered Physiotherapists (ISCP). The initials MISCP infer that your Physiotherapist is a Member of the Irish Society of Chartered Physiotherapists.

The ISCP is the sole Irish regulatory organisation recognised by the World Confederation of Physical Therapy (WCPT) for the regulation of Physiotherapy/Physical Therapy in Ireland. It must be stressed that Physiotherapists in North America are known as Physical Therapists. The title of Physical Therapist is protected in other countries, as it implies being a Physiotherapist. This is not the case in Ireland. In this country, Chartered Physiotherapists soley subscribe to the ISCP’s Rules of Professional Conduct and Code of Ethics.

By choosing a Chartered Physiotherapist, you are ensured of being in the care of a healthcare professional who possesses a high standard, recognised university degree and whose qualifications are recognised worldwide. In addition, your Chartered Physiotherapist is committed and compelled to ongoing professional development and education, which ensures the most up to date evidence in your treatments. It also is a requirement of a Chartered Physiotherapist to possess professional liability insurance. Many Chartered Physiotherapists undertake further post graduate studies in order to obtain a Master’s degree in Sports and Exercise Medicine, Manual Therapy or other speciality areas.

For optimal results and peace of mind, ensure your Physiotherapist is Chartered as only a Chartered Physiotherapist has a degree in Physiotherapy that is recognised by the medical professions and the Department of Health. David Ukich Physiotherapy Clinic Castlebar